Saturday, August 30, 2008

Happy Teachers' Day.

Happy Teachers' Day.
Today's celebration was kinda boring-I must say.
But whatever lah, interesting or not, I'll still be like that.

Ohyah, I'm currently listening to Canon-in-D.
I love the tune of it, whatever versions they come up with.
I mean I find it very evocative (however you use this word).

By the way, I'm not supposed to be here blogging.
I was supposed to play audition with Jaime, I mean I promised her.
But the file or dont-know-what "encountered a problem and needs to close down", so yah.
I know I'm always like that but still, sorry Jaime.
Another empty promise huh. ]:

Teachers' day-
I didn't go back to primary school and I heard many of the guys went back today.
I was like 'Ohman, why I everytime like that one?'.
Nevermind, it's okay. There's still a next year.
I think I suck lor.

Then there's the results slip thing:
I failed my combined humans yet again O.O
I'm unsure of it but I don't seem to feel sad ley. DD:
My overall was ok but still I need humans to enter JC right.
Ohman, told you I sucked. -.-

Tomorrow there's Flag Day (yay? ;D).
It's the second time so there's really not much to feel afraid of so..yah.

And then lastly, HAPPY BIRTHDAY RACHAEL! ت

P/S: Anybody knows how accurate the counter in my page is cos I dont believe there are 20 over visits to my blog per week.

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