Sunday, February 15, 2009

25 random things.

I got tagged by Kelly on facebook on this 25 random things quiz.
I decided to post this up here since I've already done it
and this will at least liven up my mundane blog a little? LOL.

1. I think doughs are cute.

2. I'm partially sadistic.

3. I hate ants.

4. I once used a mosquito killer to spray on a cockroach (the cockroach died anyway).

5. I was actually born bigger than an average baby.

6. I think words like: fluffy, adorable, furball, roly-poly, poop and cottony are cute. :D

7. I can never concentrate on anything for more than 1/2 hour.

8. I have a S4 camp on motivation tomorrow.

9. I eat raw carrots because I want bright eyes like a rabbit and a superb eyesight.

10. I drink green tea because Mrs Lau once said it's anti-caseinogen/anti-casinogen.

11. I love pastel colours because looking at them makes me relaxed and happy.

12. My ambition is to be a patissier.

13. I am proud that I can finally appreciate the genres of music that my sis likes.

14. I am currently listening to Vulnerable by Vanessa Hudgens on Yuting's blog.

15. I don't like Vanessa Hudgens.

16. I am fickle-minded and extremely self-conscious.

17. Sis just asked me whether I wanted her Geog notes.

18. I know I can be really annoying at times.

19. I am random at times. ._.

20. I was told that I attempted to eat shit from a potty when I first learnt how to crawl.

21. I am myopic. Haha.

22. I just watched Quarantine yesterday-my first horror movie for 09.

23. As a result, I slept with the orange luminous lights on last night and got ticked off by sis.

24. I dislike pork.

25. I like baby Winnie and Tigger. (:

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