Monday, February 1, 2010

What are you thinking, really?

I've given up on trying to decipher your thoughts everytime...

Yay, the numbers on my web counter are jumping really fast! Whee~ Feel so encouraged!

I mentioned before that I really really hate mass dance right.
But today we learnt the SRJC dance!
I thought our school wouldn't have lor but I was wrong.
Fortunately the dance isn't difficult and the steps are just repetitive.
And we didn't have to perform in a small group!
It's also not as complex as NYJC's !
I almost died watching the mass dance video on Diana's blog!
Anyway, I think all JC dances are choreographed in such a way so that the guys and girls must interact...right?
I realised I really can't dance cos I've got zero limbs coordination. -.-
Forget the fact that I was once a chinese dancer k.
Idk why I joined that CCA in the first place.

Oh, I was allocated my first choice for subjects combination too.
But we're all gonna go different classes ):
Does that mean we'll drift apart? But why do you seem so nonchalent about it?

There's gna be some amazing race tomorrow-in our new class.

I wonder how it's gna be like?
I guess I'll probably be the only one not wearing SRJC's attire.
Which means I'll stand out and teachers would question me...
Never mind, I've already prepared myself.

K, bye! :D

"When one door closes another door opens; but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us."
~ Alexander Graham Bell

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